Nolan Fans v3 Launches

Hey guys! It’s that time of year again. I know many of you aren’t quite sure of what I’m talking about, but some of you NF veterans might remember last year when we celebrated’s first birthday by launching the second version of Nolan Fans. Today, we’re launching the third.

Since last year, we haven’t made many huge changes around the site. The things that we’ve been working on this year are more of an improvement upon the things we introduced last year. And you’ve seen most of this already. Some examples of the things we launched within the past year are: updated film pages with box office and review statistics, awards listings, and poster galleries. In the media section, we’ve added more comprehensive screenshot galleries and updated our podcast page.

In the coming weeks, we’ll be updating many of these pages again, but that’s not what we’re talking about today. Today is the introduction of the new design for The biggest thing I should point out about the design is that it was built from scratch to the HTML5 specification and uses many CSS3 elements. The biggest change you’ll notice today is the header of the website. We’ve added a prettier navigation area, and we’ve increased the size of our rotating banners by eliminating the border. You’ll begin to notice more things improve around here as we gradually roll out new pages and features over the next few weeks.

The Nolan Fans community has grown larger and faster than Teddy and I had previously imagined. This past year has certainly been a trip. Inception was awesome. 2011 is going to be exciting. By this time next year, the entire production phase of Christopher Nolan’s eighth full-length feature film, The Dark Knight Rises, will be complete and we’ll likely have seen two trailers by then. I’m looking forward to the future here at Nolan Fans. More live podcasts await.

[UPDATE]: A major feature that we’ve launched today is the Disqus commenting system. Test it out by posting a comment below. Make sure you register for an account to secure the username that you’re known as from our forums.

by Alex Haas