The End of Trumpocalypse: TBD!

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beto is basically the only one who i like, but he's inexperienced (not compared to Trump, but still), and i don't think he's progressive enough to get past the primaries considering where the democratic base seems to be

i also think he might be the best (announced) candidate they could put up in the general

but yeah, it's mostly just a lame list of people that i can't imagine anyone could get excited about

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I think Andrew Yang and Marianne Williamson are exciting candidates. But they're not going to make it past the primaries and they are way too far left for America.

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Michaelf2225 wrote:
March 14th, 2019, 7:31 pm
beto is basically the only one who i like, but he's inexperienced (not compared to Trump, but still), and i don't think he's progressive enough to get past the primaries considering where the democratic base seems to be

i also think he might be the best (announced) candidate they could put up in the general

but yeah, it's mostly just a lame list of people that i can't imagine anyone could get excited about
He is good for a Texas Democrat but he generally also votes to the right of other Democrats on a host of issues. That's not what the Democratic base on a national level is asking for because they've essentially already seen it with Clinton and Obama.

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Michaelf2225 wrote:
March 14th, 2019, 7:31 pm
beto is basically the only one who i like, but he's inexperienced (not compared to Trump, but still), and i don't think he's progressive enough to get past the primaries considering where the democratic base seems to be

i also think he might be the best (announced) candidate they could put up in the general

but yeah, it's mostly just a lame list of people that i can't imagine anyone could get excited about
same with me

I voted for Beto and was pretty optimistic about him. He's the only one I'm even remotely supporting.

I loved Bernie in 2016, but dude is too old, and I feel like he's achieved a lot of what he was trying in 2016; moving democrats to the left. Now, Medicare for all is catching on, and it seems like more and more dems are competing to grab the progressive vote.

you dont want him to be prez cause he's already enacting change not as prez?

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mchekhov 2: Chek Harder wrote:
March 15th, 2019, 1:31 pm
you dont want him to be prez cause he's already enacting change not as prez?
I'd like him as prez, but I predict he'll do worse than he did last time, simply because everyone has moved towards him.

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Trump keep on blowing his own trumpet and remains oblivious to real-world problems.

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Artemis wrote:
March 14th, 2019, 5:34 pm
Batfan175 wrote:
March 14th, 2019, 4:51 pm
If Sanders wins the nomination (not a given but anything's possible), I hope everyone who's telling left-wingers to fall in line for the sake of unity right now will do the same for Sanders. I'm sure that people will totally not find some stupid excuses not to do so at that moment. I'd be happy if Warren or Sanders won the nomination because they are much closer to where the Democratic base is right now in terms of policy.

Being better than Trump is the lowest of bars ever.
Why would they not do the same for Sanders? What is your point here?

No candidate is going to be perfect. That's just a face of life. Yes people can critique and people can discuss their past mistakes but Democrats need to stop doing purity tests with candidates. Republicans voted in a literal rapist while we're over here bitching about a former prosecutor who just wanted to make sure kids were going to school.

We will lose again if we keep acting like asshats.
Well, Donny Deutsch for instance seemed to indicate on Morning Joe that if the Democrats nominate someone who he thinks is a socialist, Donny could see himself voting for Trump....Joe Scarborough of all people had to convince the guy on-air to reconsider that idea and while Donny did sort of realize how bad of a look this was, there is no way of knowing if he actually will not just decide to vote for Trump over Bernie in the end if Bernie is the Democratic candidate. What's more likely is that if Bernie or Warren are the Democratic candidate, guys like Donny will probably vote for Howard Schultz who will make damn sure that their taxes stay low and that corporations will not get challenged in any way ever.

The fact of the matter is that guys like Donny are centrists who care more about their tax rate and their money than the common good. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are not socialists, yet here is Donny floating the idea of voting for a fascist Republican over Democratic socialists who are not even far-left by European standards. The centre would rather have a far-right capitalist than a slightly leftist candidate who is critical of their preferred economic system.

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Trump does not denounce a bigoted evil mindset like white nationalism for the same reason that the left does not denounce a bigoted evil religion like Islam.

He wants the votes.£

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