How will you remember this year?

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2017 was bittersweet for me but mainly bitter:

-Being able to drive to a nearby country and watch as much movies on the big screen as I possibly can.
-Dunkirk. My first Nolan theatrical experience and it was great.
-Women getting their right to drive and the lift of the ban on cinemas in KSA.

-Returning to college after a long hiatus and trying to escape from the hell I put myself in.
-Applying for several jobs (for the first time) and being rejected.
-The constant arguments with people around me on why I shouldn't quit college.
-Everyone telling how to live my life to the point where I genuinely don't know what step I should take next.
-But nothing comes close to losing my aunt which happened so suddenly. It was really devastating and that's why I'll always remember 2017 as a very dark year.

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^I'm very sorry for your loss.

As for my year, it's weird. Not as terrible as I'd think sometimes, but kinda weird. A fuckfest on a global scale (obviously), some stuff happened in my own life which was very stressing and in some instances - downright terrible, but at the same time acts as a prospect for a better future. In general, I feel like 2017 is the year of the beginning of major changes for me, or at least it feels that way - right now I'm on the verge of change, and I feel lost, so the last few weeks felt like I was sitting on the edge of the powder keg. My anxiety is also torpedoing me on every front possible and some days truly feel like I ruin everything for myself. I've made some advances to break that cycle of thinking, ruminating and feeling guilty though.

It's not the worst year, but it's weird and confusing, and the fact that I'm scared for my future so it's almost like I don't want this year to end just now. But we also got so many great movies.

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Ruth wrote:^I'm very sorry for your loss.
Thank you, Ruth!

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I've had a really positive year. I finished my Diploma that I botched last year. I went out clubbing and partying a couple of times, resulting in hook-ups or passing out on artificial grass in Southbank leading to wake up to middle-aged white dudes about to go on their bike run. Springing off of occasions like that, I've had a couple of learning curves that resulted from a lack of responsibility in my choices. The emotional downfall that began at the beginning of last year has come to an end as I have found somebody who makes me feel good for who I am. I got to plan and travel all by myself for the first time, allowing me to see Dunkirk on the biggest IMAX screen on the planet. Just overall, this year feels like a re-do of 2016 where everything that could go wrong did go wrong. I've learning from mistakes, I'm surrounding myself with people who I cherish, and I hope I'll be able to sustain all the goodness I have in my life for as long as I can.

Obviously, we're living in a really dark time where people in power using their position for personal gain, and the speed we're at to achieving social equality is a the same rate as a tortoise crawling along a beach. But the main struggle is trying to remain optimistic while also not remaining oblivious to the reality that is going on. I sincerely hope, and believe, we are going to see brighter days; I refuse to believe that our best years as a species are behind us.

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I'll remember it as a year that in retrospect is likely going to look less awful than whatever 2018 has in store.

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Movie wise, my movies to see list were mostly mehs or duds.

The ending to Dunkirk has stayed with me, Thank you, Nolan.


I got engaged to my sweetheart and we are getting married next summer. This is what I will focus on.

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Jarrett wrote: Personally

I got engaged to my sweetheart and we are getting married next summer. This is what I will focus on.
Congrats dude!

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7212017 wrote:
Jarrett wrote: Personally

I got engaged to my sweetheart and we are getting married next summer. This is what I will focus on.
Congrats dude!
Appreciate that, Thanks!

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