Game of Thrones (TV)

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Ruth wrote:
May 20th, 2019, 8:46 am
i'll probably have more elaborate thoughts on everything later after i've had more time to reflect on this, but right now i don't really want to think whether i found this disappointing or not. just two things that stood out
i really disliked how jon had to be convinced by tyrion to do what he did. i understand his love and huuuge, deep moral conflict he had, but i feel like it was so jarring to see him harp on "our queen" after what she had done to king's landing. i feel like the showrunners emphasized this to make his kill feel more shocking which i guess it worked, because i thought jon was totally going to pull jaime 2.0
Well Jon and Dany has
only been a couple for seven episodes. If D&D took their time with that relationship it probably would have felt different. But I totally agree. Tyrion refusing to see the truth in the previous episode didn't feel right either, but at least it fit better becasue he's known Dany for a lot longer.

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Also, Tyrion's "stories unite people" speech sounded eerily like the basic outline of Richard Dawkins' meme theory :D

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so, question
are we to understand Jon is going North to basically settle those lands with the wildlings?

the brief shot of a little weed growing from under the snow seemed to indicate that

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It’s like poetry it rhymes.

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so sick of my coworkers and friends acting like the world has fucking ended after this

like, obviously a show this long and massive was always going to be divisive, no matter who wrote it, or how many episodes the last season contained

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The acting from Ms. Clarke, Mr. Dinklage and Mr. Harington was amazing this finale.

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So about that Dragonpit scene
-Funny on its own, the Edmure scene coming two minutes after Dany's death was the weirdest tonal shift ever
-Who exactly is on this voting council? Why are Davos or Brienne there? Or Arya?
-How is everyone chill with the North declaring his independence? Just like that? How are the Iron Islands and Dorne not asking for the same if it's so easily given?
-Speaking of Yara, why does she laugh at the idea of democracy? That's kinda already the system there with the Kingsmoot.
-Grey Worm's behavior in the entire scene is ...??? He lets the prisoner he wants dead decide everything for the future of the realm
-I would have been far happier with Jon going to the North if it would have been from his own freewill, pleasing the Unsullied who just fuck off ten minutes later just feels so wrong. And for some reason, they want punishment for Jon, but not for Tyrion who was ALREADY imprisoned for betrayal by Dany herself
-Bran king is just lame, but it's honestly the least of my problems with the scene.
It just feels to me like the worst scene of the entire show, the worldbuilding and politics of it makes absolutely no sense and are not consistent with anything that came prior. I was ok with most of the rest. But that ten minute scene mostly ruined the episode for me.

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okay so
now that bran is king and the unsullied with grey worm have fucked off to naath, can’t bran just silently overturn the decision and let our good boy jon come back??? did no one come up with this

i know this is dumb but like all this for grey worm??? i just ugh
like okay okay i accept it in terms of story. i’m mostly just very sad this show is over. i agree with panapaok and cilogy (iirc). despite not loving certain things, feeling heartbroken, in a way this feels like a satisfactory ending. it feels “right” despite not being “fair”. it’s pretty ‘game of thrones-y’.
bran being king is still dumb it’s like working your ass off on a project just to see some clown take it all for himself lmao

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I think Jon is ok with his return beyond the wall. There's peace with the Free Folk and some of his happiest days were there. It feels more satisfying that he'll settle there, rather than staying in Winterfell. He never wanted to rule anyway.

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Ruth wrote:
May 20th, 2019, 11:15 am
bran being king is still dumb it’s like working your ass off on a project just to see some clown take it all for himself lmao
To end with the same moral,
I'd have preferred Sam to be king. The way it's done, it actually feels like Bran is going to be a symbol, and Tyrion (with the rest of the small council) is going to make the real difficult decisions rulers need to make.
I'm not overly fond of
the independence of the North, I wonder if it'll be the same in the book.
Sending Jon away does feel like a necessity. Naming Jon, the rightful heir of the mad-king, as new king would not break the wheel at all. And the Iron Island also asked for Jon to be condemned. Sending his "brother" away must aslo help Bran to show he's a fair ruler.

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