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Who's seen Following?

Posted: April 17th, 2012, 11:46 pm
by Roby123
Just now joined after watching Following streamed, on Netflix.
Does the dvd have anything special in terms of features?
I'd love to know more about the shoot.....
This is one one the very few features where the Antagonist is the cutest actor ...and prettier that the female lead!

He did a marvelous job of coaching-directing , as the acting was better than most first features... of course the story was phenominal ...use of multiple timelines ....

Aronofsky created a lovely behind the scenes thing for Pi. I hope there's more info on Following, as I'd be curious about a year long weelend shoot....

The batman sticker on apt door was an awesome prediction ......

As a writer, I found it damn inspiring, what can be done with 3 lead actors and simple sets.

Who's seen Following?

Posted: April 18th, 2012, 2:17 am
by Liron
As far as I remember last time I watched the DVD I accidentally clicked something that showed the screenplay and you could hear the film's sounds, dialogue and music and it was just all read up with the screenplay rolling infront of you lol I don't remember any other extra but I'll check later.